03 Jun 14 Cornish Words and Phrases You Need to Know
If you are lucky enough to have grown up in Cornwall, here are some Cornish words and phrases that you will most definitely recognise… If you didn’t grow up in Cornwall here are 14 words and phrases you should learn from Cornish people. Your life will never be the same.
1. Ansom
Everything and everyone can be ansom… Or proper ansom if they are lucky. From an ansom meal to an ansom car, horse or pint. Ansom is a word that every Cornishman uses to describe something they like on a daily basis.
2. ‘E’
Some sentences start this way in Cornwall, or it can apply to ‘he’ or ‘you’. Are e? E is! Be e?
3. Giss on!
This means ‘Stop talking absolute rubbish’!
4. Dreckly
Dreckly means that something will be done directly. However, the difference between dreckly and directly is that doing something ‘dreckly’ can take ages – there’s no specified time limit. What could be done today will probably be done tomorrow.
5. Jumping (mad)
If you’ve made someone ‘jumping’ then you better apologise dreckly.
6. Proper Job
Only the Cornish can do a ‘proper job’ properly, especially if it involves lots of heavy lifting, a tractor and a pint of cider. Proper job is perfect!
7. I’m rufazrats
This means ‘I’m really hungover from all that Rattler I drank at The Bowgie’
8. The Big City
No, not London. The big city is Truro of course.
9. Wasson
A Cornishman’s introduction. Who needs hello/ hi/ good morning/ good evening when you can simply say “wasson!”? Quicker and much more fun.
10. Up North
Basically, anywhere over the Tamar Bridge into Plymouth and beyond.
11. I’lltellywot
This is the perfect phrase when you have some information to share.
12. Right On
A tricky one really, this is Cornish for yes/ ideal/ perfect but also goodbye and farewell (try and get your head around that!) Much more exciting and expressive affirmative than boring old ‘yes’. Heading to Bowgie this weekend? Right on!
13. Awright’n aree e?
This is a friendly greeting and means ‘You are alright are you?’
14. Heller
A naughty child or person. What a little heller!
There you have it, sit back and marvel at the wonder of Cornishness.