02 Jun 10 Things You Should Know Before Marrying A Cornish Person!
With a landscape and lifestyle as good as Cornwall’s, it’s no surprise that so many people are drawn down here to live, work – and love!
With Valentine’s Day coming up, here’s a shout out to all the ‘Gavin and Stacey’ style romances out there – and our top 10 things you should know before you marry a Cornish person. There’s a lot to look forward to, and don’t say we didn’t warn you!
1. You’re actually pretty likely to get married in Cornwall – and with stunning venues and locations of all kinds across the county, it’s easy to see the appeal. Whether you go for a beachside boho event, a classy country house, an all out bash at a castle, or a good old fashioned knees up in a cosy barn, you’ll definitely have beautiful memories to look back on!

2. You’ll start sounding like them. Whether you start sprinkling your sentences with dialect and slang words and phrases like ‘dreckly’, ‘ansum’ and ‘gisson’, or you actually start learning the Cornish language Kernewek, you’ll find you definitely expand your vocabulary after any time with your keresigyon (sweetheart)!
3. We don’t sweat the small stuff. Come to that, most of us don’t sweat the big stuff either – we’re all made of stern stuff down here. We especially don’t do pointless drama – life’s too short to waste! Important disclaimer though – we’re not saying that forgetting your better half’s ‘penn-bloodh’ *(birthday) won’t leave them ‘teasy as an adder’ (irritable or cross)!
4. We have EXTREMELY strong opinions on our favourite pasties and beverages. It might sound hilarious to the newly arrived down here, but it’s no laughing matter for people who have grown up in Cornwall: everyone down here has a preferred pasty shop and a favourite Cornish beer, ale – or, in recent times, wine and gin! Prepare to go on delicious culinary adventures with your Cornish keresik (darling)!

5. We know how to make the most of life and LOVE a good time. That does depend on what we like doing – it might be a long walk with the dogs in a howling gale, a weekend camping with family and friends at one of Cornwall’s little festivals and events, or a long winter evening chewing the fat over a pint with friends by a roaring fire in your local. Whatever it is, we definitely know how to enjoy ourselves – and bring you along for the ride!
6. We tend to love the great outdoors, and don’t get bored of our favourite place. All of us down here have places that are near and dear to our hearts – and seeing them in all different times of day, all weathers, through all the seasons, is part of enjoying them to the maximum. We’re sure you’ll learn to love your other half’s favourite place – and find one of your own to share with your keresigyon (sweetheart!)

7. We have a quirky sense of humour. It’s renowned for being pretty dry, a bit bawdy, and also slightly leftfield – and there’s a crop of Cornish comedians to think Kernow King, Steve Heller, and musical comedians Hedluv and Passman. It might seem a weird one but once you’ve got the hang of it, you’ve got it. You might even find yourself at the butt of the joke occasionally… but don’t worry, it means they love you!
8. You’ll find yourself firmly embedded in an adopted circle of family or friends. Until we know you’re around in a serious way, we might not seem too bothered about bringing you into the fold – but when you marry in Cornwall, you’re in for life. You’ll be part of the family, part of the community – you’re part of the furniture.
9. It’s jam first. If you know, you know. If you don’t … well let’s just say you’ll find out. Cream first might be a deal breaker. You’ve had fair warning!
10. We’re unlikely to want to live anywhere else. Plenty of people have ventured out of county to study, work and travel – but many of them will secretly (or not so secretly) want to be back in their beloved Cornwall. And with such amazing surroundings and hidden beauties around every corner, it’s easy to see why!

So there you have it – our top ten things you definitely need to know before tying the knot with your Cornish karer or karores (that’s lover to anyone not in the know!)
*Huge thanks to Jennifer, Amy and Matt/ Abbie for the couple photos! #LetsSeaYourSnaps