The start of September is a wonderful time. The kids are back at school with new shoes and new pencil crayons (probably still all of uniform height and arranged in rainbow order) and slowly order begins to return to your life. It’s a good feeling isn’t it?!
At The Bowgie Inn, Crantock we are encouraging you to celebrate your regained freedom with a weekend of great live music. On Friday 4th September Idle Hands will be here to entertain you with a set of classic rock, country and folk songs including Honky Tonk woman, With or Without you and Valerie. If you’re lucky they might even treat you with a spot of TRex and Rod Stewart.
If that wasn’t enough we’ve booked Not The Beatles to play on Saturday 5th September. See? We always have your best interests at heart.
So organise a baby sitter, pull up a pew whilst we pull you a pint then share disaster stories about your summer. If the kids going back to school isn’t enough to restore harmony to your life, taking the above steps AND listening to some seriously good music will definitely do the trick.