It’s the 1st December and we’ve opened the first day on our advent calendar and enjoyed a santa-shaped chocolate with our morning coffee. It might have tasted a little bit cardboardy and got a bit stuck behind the foil so the hat snapped off but even so, this symbolises the start of the festive season for us and we love it!!!
December is our favourite month at The Bowgie Inn, Crantock. We love the frosty air and the winter waves, we love when we can see our breath on the air and when the frozen grass crunches underfoot, but most of all, we love coming in out of the cold and warming up with a mulled wine or hazelnut latte. We love the fact we are wrapped up so warm in jumpers, scarves and more jumpers that no one thinks about their waistline for
a few weeks. That means we can eat, drink and be merry without a care in the world.
One of the best things about working in The Bowgie is that it’s the perfect meeting point. Friends from all over the county (or even the country) arrange to meet up here. So they catch up on stories and anecdotes after months without seeing each other. We love hearing the laughter of groups of friends as they tuck into a hearty dinner in our cosy dining room. We love the fact that the atmosphere feels different. It feels extra special, extra friendly and just really Decembery. Yep. We love December alright. So click the link, see what’s on and plan your next visit to see us this month!
Now, we just need to decide if it’s OK to open another door on the Advent Calendar. If we open one next week and just remember to replace the little chocolate surely that’s ok…Santa won’t mind will he?