Have you ever noticed how google does that annoying thing of finishing your sentences for you?
For example, when you begin typing ‘how hot is it today?’ Google wants us to ask how ‘hot is lava?’ or ‘how hot is the sun?’…
and always take extra care when googling medical complaints…Google finishes those sentences with all sorts of sinister suggestions which could lead to sleepless nights.
Today we typed ‘take a h..’ into google to find out more about ‘take a hike day’. Google eagerly finished the sentence as ‘take a hint’. We couldn’t help but feel a little offended. Take a hint about what? What are you trying to tell us?
Initially we thought maybe we had caused upset and that Google had taken the phrase ‘take a hike’ the wrong way…but then we realised that was stupid because a search engine is nothing but emotionless computer code (or at least, that’s what we are led to believe) so there’s no way it could have been offended by our question.
Take A Hike Day is on the 17th of November and encourages you to get out there and experience the joy of hiking. All we wanted to do was find out about a few exhilarating local walks so we can make the most of all that mother nature has to offer in Cornwall. Luckily, our very own website provided a little more help and guidance. With a range of local walking routes already detailed, we thought we would share this information with you so you can make the most of ‘Take a Hike Day’ in Cornwall without having to deal with the rudeness of a certain search engine! Click here