02 Jun How Cornish Are You?
Being Cornish isn’t about where you were born. It’s about your attitude. Everyone has some Cornish in them, the question is how much? Take our scientific quiz below to find out how Cornish you are.
1. What is your favourite food?
a) Fish and Chips
b) Pasties
c) Salad
2. When you greet a friend what do you say?
a) Hello
b) Alright are e?
c) Bonjour
3. You are thirsty, what do you drink?
a) Water
b) Cider
c) Ice Tea
4. How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
a) One
b) Lots
c) None
5. How would you eat your cream tea?
a) Cream first
b) Jam first
c) What’s a cream tea?
6. Are you familiar with the Kernow Flag?
a) Yes
b) I have one on my bumper sticker.
c) No
7. How do you feel about eating on the beach?
a) It sounds like fun if the weather is nice.
b) It’s the best! A bit of ingested sand never hurt anyone.
c) Will I get a table and waitress service?
8. How many of the following items do you consider essentials: a hoodie, flip flops, board shorts, walking boots, a surf board, a camper van
a) A few of them.
b) All of them.
c) None of them.
9. How much do you love Doom Bar?
a) I quite like it.
b) I’m drinking some right now.
c) What on earth is that?
10. What’s your favourite pass time?
a) Hiking the Coastal path
b) Surfing
c) A pint with friends at Bowgie Inn, Crantock.
(This is sort of a trick question – all of the options make you a bit Cornish, which provides the highly scientific proof that everyone is a little bit Cornish!)
So how did you do?
Mostly a’s – You are over 50% Cornish. We imagine your level of Cornishness increases with the warm weather.
Mostly b’s – You are 100% passionate Cornish and nothing will ever change that.
Mostly c’s – You possess very low levels of Cornishness – but there is still hope, you are doing this quiz after all which means you must be interested in developing your Cornishness.
Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in May 2016 and has been republished with a new header image.