Wall of Fame

The pictures you have sent to our wall of fame are truly beautiful; lots of them are computer screen saver quality. We mean proper picturesque and everything. But we believe the main reason you take such good photos is because what you are photographing is beautiful to start with.

You don’t need to airbrush.

You don’t need to add a … Click to read


Give me an E… give me an A… give me an S…give me a T… give me an E give me and R
And the more literate ones amongst you will know you have given us Easter in individual letters for some reason.
Maybe it’s because we like to spell words really loudly and slowly whilst waving pompoms in the … Click to read

Project Lightning Jet Open Day

Do you remember us telling you about our Lightning Jet? Yes, that’s right the Lightning Jet cockpit that The Bowgie Inn, Crantock acquired some time ago.

Well you probably remember that it is being painstakingly restored by 20 (Bideford) Sqn as we speak. The team have been are replacing buttons, switches, pumps, knobs, wires and even an ejector seat!

On … Click to read

Trigg Morris Men at The Bowgie!

On Thursday 9th July at 8pm, Trigg Morris Men will be dancing at The Bowgie Inn, Crantock!

The Morris is one of England’s oldest customs, thought to have been performed to welcome Spring, and ensure fertility at the rebirth of the year, and it was traditionally performed by men. One of the earliest written records of Morris Dancing anywhere refers … Click to read

Save The Date

We have noticed that these days when couples tie the knot, they send out a ‘save the date card’ to make sure their guests keep the important date free. So not to be outdone by any bridezillas we are sending our save the date out for our 2015 Ale Fest. It is set to fill your August Bank Holiday with … Click to read


The fields are greener.

The lambs are more abundant.

There are chicks and rabbits everywhere.

As the buds appear on the trees and the sea begins to look more inviting it must mean one thing and one thing only…. SPRING IS HERE!

March the 20th is the official first day of spring and at The Bowgie Inn Crantock we are … Click to read

Our New Website

The chances are that if you are reading this you have already discovered our new website.

It’s nice isn’t it.

If we were asked to describe it in one word we would probably choose the word ‘sleek’.

If we were asked to choose a martial art that represented it’s style we would go for Thai Chi.

If we had to … Click to read

Brewery Tours

We all have that mate who thinks they are the lord of all knowledge. They are the expert on world issues and know everything about politics. They know about crop rotation, harvesting and even seem to know the food miles of anything you ever eat. They know the best places to go, they have holidayed everywhere you ever mention and … Click to read

Taxi Time


You are planning a night at The Bowgie Inn, Crantock and you are the designated driver.


You sensibly  begin the night with a lemonade or two. As the live music gets louder and the laughter gets wilder you might spice things up a bit with a J20 or a pineapple juice… but around 10 o’clock something happens that … Click to read

St Patrick’s Day

Oh Danny Boy the pints the pints are calling you,
From beach to beach and to the pink pub on the headland…
Because at the Bowgie Inn Crantock, we are celebrating St Patricks Day on the 17th of March with Half price pints of Guiness all day. HOORAY!

Everyone has an excuse to join the craic because we reckon that … Click to read